A Note from Our Pastors on Corona Virus Protection at West Mesa

Redemption Church Family,

In consideration of the public health concerns related to COVID-19, we will not be hosting worship services at any of our Phoenix or Tucson area congregations on Sunday, March 15.

The dynamics related to the coronavirus are changing quickly, and we anticipate having greater clarity next week.

Our Flagstaff congregation will continue to meet, as there have not been any reported cases of the virus in Coconino County.

Each of our congregations’ leaders will be communicating through email and social media about how they plan to engage with you and your family during this season. Some of you are in vulnerable situations and need care, and others will have the opportunity to provide that care.

Though we are being cautious, we are not afraid. We believe that God will use us to shine the light of Jesus as we respond with faith and love in the midst of a climate of uncertainty and fear.

If someone asks why your church chose to respond to this health crisis by closing its doors, here’s our response:

1. We are loving our neighbors by protecting our neighbors.

2. We are not being fearful. We are being responsible.

3. Love requires that we look out for the most vulnerable among us.

With love in Christ,

Redemption Church Leadership Team


Una nota de nuestros pastores sobre la protección del Coronavirus en West Mesa


Contracultura Convicciones